Because I'm pretty sure reporters were shadowing me at the Botanical Gardens today.
I finished my second "muslin" for the sew-along and liked it well enough to officially declare it a Skirt In My Wardrobe. Because it's black twill it's still suuuuuuuper boooooooring. I've still to decide whether to embellish with some applique or keep it boring and just wear it with jazzy tops.
Heady with the success of finally getting the fit right (*) by shaving 1/4" off the side seams (for an inch total at the waist) I decide to wear it out in public today. Rylee and I had a hot lunch date with daddy so I also got to play with my birthday present to myself and I was fully decked out with makeup and everything.
It was pretty comfortable for walking around the gardens, but I immediately remembered a reason why I don't wear skirts when I went to put my keys in my pocket.
I debated having Eric take a picture on the phone in the pretty courtyard where we ate lunch, but decided against it. So here it is with the same trouble with lighting and warpy, dirty mirrors. And my super fancy croc Mary Janes that I lived in when I was pregnant because a) my feet were ballooning up in a lovely pre-eclamptic way and b) I still needed to look somewhat professional and faux suede was the best I could do. Here an attempt to be semi-fashionable but still able to chase after a toddler.
(*) I think I got the fit right but I don't know that I'm happy with it. I think this might be a function of the weird way I got fat after having a baby. When I stand up straight the skirt is too big but when I'm all relaxed and rounded it pretty much fits. Sigh. The side still sticks out a little "squarely" at the zipper, but I think that might be a function of the fabric having no stretch.
More concert black and drafting updates
4 weeks ago
Looking good! Although I might need proof of hot makeup.
My sweep is 9" too, I don't think I'd want it any smaller than that. Did you use an invisible zipper? I've been doing regular zippers with this tutorial without any fabric misbehaviour.
I'll get hot makeup pictures when I wear the Officially Final Skirt for Moms' Night out. Promise.
I used invisible zippers on both muslins and I'm putting one into the final. They're really easy to put in, although I minorly screwed up the one last night. I was trying to quick finish before Rylee went to bed and I think my hands were trembling in anticipation of a Sawyer episode of Lost.
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